The Mindful Health directors Taravajra and Karunavira are experienced Mindfulness Teachers and Trainers, and are very engaged in training people to teach the 8 week MBCT and MBSR courses.
After completing the Masters in healthcare at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) at Bangor University, they were invited to join the CMRP core training team in 2011. Since then both Karunavira and Taravajra have taught on the Masters programme. They also offer Teacher Training retreats (TTR1 and TTR2) for the CMRP in the UK and abroad. Contact us to request information.
More locally, Mindful Health tutors have worked in partnership with the Sussex Mindfulness centre (SMC) which is based within Sussex Partnership Foundation NHS Trust (SPFT). The SMC brings together the clinical teaching of MBCT, the training pathways and the research (based in the University of Sussex).
We have helped create a year long, apprenticeship based Mindfulness Teacher Training which meets the Good Practice Teacher Guidelines established by the British Association of mindfulness based approaches (BAMBA). The first cohort in 2011 consisted of eighteen NHS clinicians. The second training in 2013 was opened to people beyond the NHS and the current training continues that model. (link to handbook)
Another aspect of this partnership with SPFT is the teaching of mindfulness for wellbeing of NHS staff groups (link to journal ‘the eye of the storm’). This teaching of NHS staff and the training form part of the implementation of MBCT within the UK NHS.
Mindful health works in partnership with local NHS trusts to deliver teacher training for delivering the MBCT and MBSR 8-week courses and can also organise more bespoke training routes for this purpose. Information about our training approach and guidelines for acceptance on the year long ‘teachers course’ are all to be found in the document below:
Our training organisation is a participating member of the British Association of mindfulness based approaches (BAMBA). . Our trainers adhere to the Good Practice Guidelines for Trainers and we encourage the teachers we train to adhere to these guidelines and when appropriate, to join the BAMBA register of teachers.
See the Mindfulness Teachers website